Posts Tagged ‘Radio’

Celebrate Bandera 2011


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  No Comments »

Boy there’s only one thing I love more that a parade. Riding in one Texas Style. I did it up in grand style last Saturday because I rode with The Ranch. And that, folks, is one fun ride.

Riding with The Ranch

The Ranch radio station in Kerrville streams live on the Internet (click here) and keeps toes tappin’ at a parade. I got a warm Texas welcome from all the parade goers when I cruised with The Ranch.

By the way, I’m a big fan of C&W and I highly recommend The Ranch. They have a lovely mix of classic country combined with the hit artists of today. I listen to my favorite blend of country every day!

Now normally, I get to cruise with my radio buddy, Diane Travis, who does a bang up job on Sunny Radio every morning. They’re streaming live, too and you can hear Diane, me and a cast of characters with this link:

Aren’t we cute?

Diane had a full car and some great new speakers for blasting out Sunny’s wonderful mix of music, so that’s why I got to ride with The Ranch. Now let’s get right to what a Bandera Parade is all about.

We had cowboys (make that cowgirls)

Any parade in Bandera always has more horses than people, I think. This particular parade begins with a cattle drive, but the cattle were long gone when we drove down the street. Not to be out done, we also remember the other side of the cow, as we say down here.

We had Indians!

Of course, what’s a good western parade without Cowboys and Indians? I mean really? Now let’s look around at some other sites.

We even have fake horses in the parade

This is a local saddlery and, obviously, it was all about the saddle and not the horse.

That’s my boss at the Bandera County Courier

I love it when you can take a photo of the person taking photos. Hahaha. Got her! You can check out the best newspaper in south Texas at

It’s never too early for 2012

Evidently, if you want to win, you must start early. Francis Kaiser was the only politician I saw in the parade, but she looked really cute and had a nice ride. I always wanted a Corvette until I drove one. I’m too old to lay down while I drive. And forget about getting out of the ‘vette with anything appearing to be ladylike.

I can hear the discussion now…

“Let’s be in the parade. All we need is some balloons and we’ll be a hit. And they were a bigger hit than these two fellows to me.

Horror guys

Horror movies scare me. Blame Alfred Hitchcock and the shower scene. Never attend those horror events around Halloween. Guess it’s because I was born on Halloween and I refuse to believe I’m that scary. I’m not that scary, am I?

Maybe we should put the scary guys in here

Every body’s got a job to do. At least these guys have fun with it.

It was a hot day when I took these pictures

It’s turned a bit cooler, but I still wasn’t ready for this. Bandera has a sister city in Poland, so I guess they decided to have a float in the parade. Someone needs to tell them that, at best, we slap out the fall decorations about the middle of October because 102 degrees can make a pumpkin mush on your porch in about 6 minutes.

Now this, folks is just odd

I had to stop, get out of the car, and head over to this beast. It was called the “Texas Batmobile.” I don’t know about you, but I’m a big fan of Batman and this has nothing to do with him or bats as far as I can tell. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?

That’s the top

It’s not technically an ark because there’s only one of everything. So what the heck is it? Let’s check out the front end.

I don’t know but maybe I like it

I mean, after all, it took lots of work to make this thing. It is creative and I have no clue what medium they used to cover the car, but cover it they did. You know, I Googled the Texas Batmobile and there’s actually a video on You Tube that somebody took just watching it drive by. Didn’t get you a link but obviously it is infamous.

Ok, I’ve blathered on way too long, so let’s see why I love a parade so much.

Look at all those people!

And if I can’t make you laugh during a parade, at least I can make you smile. Join us in Bandera for all the parades because they are a blast and a sight to see!

Spreading laughter throughout the world…one chuckle at a time.

Mikie Baker