Posts Tagged ‘Jones’

America’s Team


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  No Comments »

I chose this blog today due to three factors: The Texas Rangers crashed and burned, I’ll always be a Dallas Cowboy fan (it’s a genetic thing) and it’s my birthday. And that’s the only day I can rave or rant about anything I dang well please. Of course, I like to laugh, too.

So, let’s talk about The Boys. No, it’s not a particularly great season and yes, I’ve never forgiven Jerry Jones for how he treated Tom Landry, but the Cowboys are in my soul. As I mentioned my dad starting taking me to the games in 1960 at the Cotton Bowl. I grew up with Cowboys football and a great dad.

So I ran (okay, jogged quickly) to the Cowboy display at the far end of the State Fair of Texas. I expect if they were winning more than losing this year, it might have been in a better location. Anyway, let’s see what they had to offer.

There are those hallowed gates

Went through them every week to see the likes of Dandy Don, Bob Lilly, Cliff Harris and my favorite, Pete Gent. Do you know why they changed the goal posts to the “H” kind from the one with only one pole in the middle? Because Pete Gent broke his nose 3 times in one season by hitting that one post. Kid you not. My dad and Pete played golf together and NO ONE ever lies over a golf game…at least that’s what Daddy told me.

There’s the man himself

Tom Landry was a hero of sorts in our house. My dad worked for the Adam Hat Company and was a manufacturer’s rep. He traveled a five state area by car via Howard Johnson’s and worked all the small towns selling mens hats. And Tom Landry always wore one of dad’s hats. Needless to say, he was a favorite in our family. The hat also represented all the class the man had. Unfortunately, John Kennedy was the first President to not wear a hat, starting a trend that still lasts to this day. He was not very well liked in our house, though it had nothing to do with politics.

Whether you’re a Cowboy fan or not, you must admit there have been very few like Vince Lombardi or Tom Landry. Ok, I’m off the soapbox now.

The Locker Room Display

Look at those cute football pants. And doesn’t Randy White still make your heart flutter? I know he does mine. Here’s the other end of the locker room.

More Super Bowl winners

Aikman, Irwin, and the holiest of all – Roger Staubach. The creator of the Hail Mary pass. After a game where his winning ultra-deep throw gave the Cowboys the touchdown to win, they asked him how he did it. Staubach replied, “I just said a Hail Mary and threw it.” From then on, it has been known as the Hail Mary pass.

And now let’s move on to the real point of football.

Superbowl Trophies

There they are. 5 stunning Tiffany-made Superbowl Trophies. And who said men don’t like Tiffany’s? They just don’t make blue boxes that big, but the receiving of one is life changing. Why? Because it’s guaranteed to give you arthritis in your finger. Look at this.

My Favorite Superbowl Ring

This is the first one. Not too much bling, just that diamond Cowboy star in the middle. They’ve gotten much gaudier over the years. The other thing about these rings in the size of them. Definitely not a ring to be given to a girlfriend to wear around her neck. She could suffer whiplash.

Well, I’ve gone on way too long about my Cowboys. I still believe we have more Superbowls in our future after we rid ourselves of Romo. Sorry, but when you come from a school with directions in its name (East Illinois) it usually indicates that you’re just not that sharp. So does dating  Jessica Simpson.

Oh well, I understand he and his wife are pregnant now, so maybe he’ll learn to stand and take a hit. It’s still not as painful as childbirth.

Spreading laughter throughout the world…one chuckle at a time.

Mikie Baker