Posts Tagged ‘Radio’

The Ranch Turns 17


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  No Comments »

I’m not talking about the Dancing Dog Ranch turning 17. No, what I’m referring to is The Ranch Radio FM 92.3 in Kerrville. They had a big old Birthday Bash on Saturday night and I was lucky enough to go. Of course I took pictures so you could see all the fun, too.

When it’s your birthday, always have a really big cake

Luckily, as hot as it was, the cake didn’t melt.

This was quite a big birthday party. The headliners for the evening were T.G. Sheppard, Moe Bandy and Gene Watson. I’d invite any of them to one of my birthday parties, wouldn’t you?

The all-decked-out Ranch Pick Up Truck

Of course, you know how a concert can be in Bandera, Texas at the Longhorn Saloon. Sure, there are plenty of trucks in the parking lot, but at the concert there’s always a different form of transportation.

Charlotte, owner of the Longhorn, enjoying a brew

It’s great fun to be at a concert down by the river watching the cowboys and cowgirls on their horses. Come to think of it, if you’re on a horse you’ve got a much better view of the stage.

But back to The Ranch. Morning Man Ed Chandler did something I really liked. He put together an hour long show that aired before the concert featuring the songs of the three star acts. So while I was driving to the Birthday Bash I got to listen to Gene Watson serenade me.

Thanks, Ed, I sang all the way to the concert.
Probably a good thing I was in the car.

The House was packed

The only thing funny was the stage seemed to be leaning to the right. The bartender explained to me that it was an “optical” illusion. I bet she tells that to somebody who’s had one too many beers when the room starts spinning, too.

The Randy Black Band

First up on the program was the Randy Black Band. They rocked the house. Of course, if you want to rock the house, you need one of these.

Now that, kids, is a mixing board

It takes many people to run a concert correctly, and there were plenty of these guys around. I think their job was to make sure you knew where the bathroom was and to break up any fights.

Armed with a flash light instead of a gun is a good thing

I enjoyed listening to the band while I ran around taking important photos like this next one.

Ladies, evidently, boots go with anything

Feel like a short dress or shorts? No problem, throw on your boots and you are always ready for boot scootin’.

I’m not quite sure what this is…

…it looks like a dinosaur head to me. What do you think? Well, it was at the top of the hill watching over all the festivities.

Party goers from San Antonio

Just as it started to get dark, and T.G. Sheppard was about to come on, I turned into a pumpkin and had to go home. Actually, Dearly Demented Mom’s babysitter had to leave for the evening.

I never got to see the big acts, but the placed was packed and many other people enjoyed the Birthday Bash Party put on by The Ranch Radio in Kerrville. They play a great mix of classic and new country and now are streaming live on the Internet at Check them out for some great country music.

Thanks to Ed Chandler and the crew for a great party. I really enjoyed it and hope you liked seeing it through this writer’s eyes.

Spreading laughter throughout the world…one chuckle at a time.

Mikie Baker