Posts Tagged ‘person’

Thanks for Giving


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  2 Comments »

As the story goes, the first Thanksgiving was held with a gathering of Pilgrims and Indians. The Pilgrims were thankful to have survived a year in this strange new land. The Indians were just thankful they could get rid of their extra corn. Kind of like me and my okra.

Every year, as my family gathered around the table, it was tradition for each person to tell what they were thankful for. Funny how what makes you thankful can change through the years.

When I was a small punk – excuse me – little girl, I was thankful for the drumstick. When I became a young lady, I was thankful for Craig Giesecke’s ID bracelet. When I grew into a woman, my mother was thankful I was finally married. Frankly, so was I.

When I examine what I am thankful for today, I am amazed that I have actually matured even though my brain keeps telling me I’m one young, hot, chick.

Because this is my first year without my mother at the table, I thought I’d let you wonderful readers know what I’m thankful for. 

First off is you. If I didn’t have you, who would I ramble on to? Your laughter, compliments and support have gotten me through a tough time. Most importantly, I know you miss Dearly Demented Mom almost as much as I do. 

Today, I appreciate family so much more than I ever did. Though my immediate family shrank by half this year, it also grew with the addition of a wonderful cousin and half-sister who have taken me under their wings. 

Friendship is also something I am thankful, no grateful, for. My best friend and my sister Spadettes have stuck with this crazy old broad through thick and thin. And trust me; my thick is like an overgrown briar patch. Friends bring what money can’t buy – making you laugh so hard, the tears run down your leg. 

But this isn’t all about me. It’s about all of you – the people out there who simply smile and act polite. Some man opens the door for you. A lady takes your grocery cart back with hers. A child giggles and waves at you. When anyone makes your day with an act of kindness, it is something you remember and are thankful for. 

Personally, I have two more types of people for whom I a particularly grateful. First are the volunteers of this world. They show up with a smile and work at their volunteer endeavor with a sense of joy and wonderment for the world. Just the act of helping others and asking nothing in return is a completely selfless act. Thanks to all the volunteers of the world, especially those I work with on a personal basis. I am thankful for you. 

The people who never cease to amaze me are the caregivers. Over the past seven years, I’ve experienced a parade of caregivers in and out of my home. Their mission was to take care of Dearly Demented Mom but they took care of me also. A simple visit can be so pleasant for someone who is housebound taking care of a loved one. Frankly, I miss those wonderful people who were always buzzing about. They care for the elderly and there is nothing purer and more loving than that pursuit. 

Make sure you don’t let this Thanksgiving pass you by without giving thanks to someone who has helped you in your life. As for me, “Thanks, Mom, for raising me to be the kind of woman I’ve become.” 

Happy Thanksgiving to all from me and my Mom

Spreading thankfullness throughout the world…one thank at a time. Gobble, gobble.

Mikie Baker