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Medina Garden Patch Kudos


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  No Comments »

We headed back to the cafetorium with the kids after our final harvest of the season. We were excited about the presentation we had for them, but more importantly, for the one they had prepared for us.

Dr. Sue Ellen Smith and Elinor Vandergriff

Sue Ellen is the incoming President of the Rose Garden Club of Medina. Elinor has been our President for the past two years and was on the Steering Committee that started the Medina Garden Patch.

Though the kids have to go through a 2 year program to become certified Junior Master Gardeners, the Rose Garden Club decided that awards were in order for first year participation in the beginning of the Garden Patch.

Elinor did the honors and commended the hard-working Science teacher, Kim Richardson, for all her efforts. She took our lessons back to the classroom and taught the children even more about the science of gardening.

Kim Richardson receiving her award

But I was the really lucky one. Not only was I head of the Steering Committee for the Garden Patch, I was also the Green Team Leader, so I got 2 certificates.

Me taken with my camera from a fifth grader’s perspective

Next, Elinor honored all those that helped and handed out certificates for each of the children.

Then it was their turn to impress. Three different 5th graders gave power point presentations on the garden and what they’ve learned this year. It blew us away! Next two 6th graders got up and read poems they had written about the garden.

Finally, we were presented with a fantastic scrap book of letters from each of the children explaining what they loved about the Garden Patch.

At this point, we were all getting silly

The book includes wonderful letters like this:

“This year we have all had fun times. But the point was to learn and make gardens. But the thing is when kids learn to grow apart, they learn to live. But when they grow together, they grow into a family. Like the boys. We grew together in the locker room. We used to hate each others guts but now most of us are like a family. We grew together and will stay together through highschool and maybe even further. All from the garden!”

 Now that is what it’s all about – making a difference in children’s lives.

A delightful book we will treasure

When the presentations were all over, I think we all left a bit sad to see the kids go. But those 5th graders will be back next year and they’ll probably all be taller as they grow into 6th graders! Hopefully they keep growing vegetables all summer long, too.

I’d like extend a giant Thank You to our fearless leader in the Garden Patch, Carol Hagemeier. She kept us on track, kept the kids learning, and made sure that water and weeds were our first priority. Thank you Carol for all you do!

Carol working hard as always

Carol is even going to conduct classes this summer for a group of 6th graders that want to get their Junior Master Gardener certificate. We couldn’t be more proud of them or her!

We started our Medina Garden Patch because of the inspiration of Marilyn Butcher and the Hunt Garden Club. They have been running their creation, the Hunt Discovery Garden at the Hunt School, for the past 12 years. Wonderful women!

If you would like any information on starting a school garden in your area, please don’t hesitate to contact me:  I will be happy to help you in anyway to get a great project like this up and running!

Tomorrow is column day and who knows what I’ll get into by Friday.

Spreading laughter throughout the world…one chuckle at a time. Pray for DDM.

Mikie Baker