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Room With a View


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  No Comments »

I suppose, after a while, your surroundings don’t stand out as much as they once did. That’s why it’s interesting to see other’s views on where you live. Stroke of Genius may have showed up in the dead of winter, but he still marvels in the beauty of the Hill Country.

Actually, I also do though I think spring might be my favorite time of year around here. So let’s look at a different perspective through SOG’s eyes.

A Self Portrait

Like me, Stroke of Genius is a Dallasite, born and raised. When you come from the land of cement, the country can fascinate you. By the way, this old boy’s an artist from way back. Let’s see what kind of creative eye he really has.

A different kind of Self Portrait

Amazing what a man can do with a set of marks-o-lots.

So, obviously, he has a great eye. Let’s see what caught it in the country.

A Winter Medina River

Actually the river is trying to recover from the horrible drought last year. This is better than almost dry by a long shot.

The beautiful hills

It really is scenic around here, even in the dead of winter.

Trees at the foot of the hills

Stroke of Genius has a pretty good eye when it comes to the camera. Guess that’s because he’s been involved in so many photo shoots over the years. In fact, he made his world famous Ranch Hand Chili the other day and he couldn’t resist doing a photo shoot with it.

Sorry, secret recipe

The rubber chicken’s a nice touch, don’t you think?

Chuck in a Box

Everybody around here is a ham…

But back to Stroke of Genius’ outside perspective.

This is a shot from the front porch across the street in my neighborhood

I live where the deer and the antelope play. Not only is SOG fascinated by the deer, but so is Sammy the Siamese Terrorist. He chased them around last evening – I kid you not.

To the moon, Alice!

Plus Stroke of Genius is always cooking something different up around here. Yesterday I brought in fresh lettuce from The Funny Farm. He added some Marie’s Blue Cheese Dressing, crumbles and this topping…

Potato Chip Salad

Sometimes between a stroke and a creative brain, you can go just too far…

Spreading laughter throughout the world…one chuckle at a time.

Mikie Baker