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I Slept with Justin Bieber


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  No Comments »

It’s true! When I was in Dallas I slept with Justin Bieber. Obviously, he is into older, older, really older women. OMB! Does that mean I’m a cougar?

Okay, well let me tell you all about it. After an afternoon with the Spadettes, Juicers and I headed back to Hippie Yuppie Sister’s house to spend the night.

This is the McMansion across the street

Hippie Yuppie Sister lives in a classic ranch-style house in a beautiful Lake Dallas neighborhood. Unfortunately, progress is upon them and many of the classic old homes are being demolished and McMansions built in their places. These particular McMansion people never turn off their outside lights and I’m not scared to say it. What are they going to do? Send the Electricity Police to my house?

Landscaping and seasonal color

I spent way too much money on landscaping and seasonal color back in Big D. Gardening was so easy then. You could use a shovel (instead of a pick axe) and there were no deer, only dogs doing their best to leave yellow spots on your perfectly manicured lawn.  My two acres is covered in weeds – excuse me – native plants and grasses.

Juicers made herself comfortable on the bench

We enjoyed a rather hot and steamy Dallas evening, but we had nice cold refreshments to keep us cool. And were we lucky, because we had a very famous guest there (besides Justin Bieber).

Jumpin’ Jack Jules

Famous in East Dallas for her singing and preforming prowess, Jumpin’ Jack Jules was just back from a basketball game. Though she was giving a “thumbs up” with her left hand, her right hand had sustained a basketball injury as a very large sixth grader had stepped on it. Turns out, it was actually broken in two spots so she’s sporting a finger cast right now.

Well, after a long day of traveling and visiting with the Spadettes, we were bushed. We all said our goodnights and I headed to Jules’ bedroom to rest my weary bones. And that’s when it happened. There he was in my bedroom!

With that gaze, you’d feel funny about putting on your pajamas, too

I was surrounded. He was everywhere.

Man is he young…

…and did he make me feel old. I thought his name was Justin Beaver, which just goes to prove I do need a hearing aid. And stronger glasses. Or maybe it’s because when I was her age I was into the Monkees, so I just figured she was into a Beaver.

Luckily, this was hanging above the bed

I think I had nightmares about my 5th grade boyfriend all night. At least I can honestly say I slept with Justin Beiber.

The next morning, we were up and off to errands and attend meetings followed by the memorial service. We headed back to the lake after that.

Check in tomorrow to see what kind of trouble you can get into in Lake Grandbury and, later this week, at a peak of a whole different kind of vegetable gardening.

Spreading laughter throughout the world…one chuckle at a time.

Mikie Baker