Posts Tagged ‘House’

Crusty Bread and Cats


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  2 Comments »

Apologies in order. I promised you a soup recipe, but I got really busy and had no time to edit photos and blog. It’s a good thing for me – I’ve been out of my funk since Saturday – but it’s bad news for you because you’re cold and you wanted to make soup tonight. Never fear – soup tomorrow, I promise.

Since it is soup week, you must know about a fantastic product I have discovered. If you have an HEB in the area or a Central Market, run there tomorrow and get this wonderful, crusty, healthy bread in the freezer section. It’s only two small baguettes but one baguette is perfect for two. Or one, if you really like bread…

Sorry the picture isn’t perfect

These are Central Market Organics Multigrain Demi-Baguettes. Fancy name, but great product. They also have baguettes with rosemary, but I think rosemary can be very over-powering, so I’ve never tried those.  I am not getting paid for an endorsement, but if anyone knows a Big Bread Boy at HEB call him and tell him to buy some Gone Country Merchandise. You, too.

Still, I need to make you laugh today so here goes. I grabbed a classic shot earlier of Chuck and Samino! I guess they have become very close as they are starting to bathe together.

Evidently I am running a Cat Bath House…

Or should I say, typical men?

Olive Garden Minestrone Soup tomorrow. Promise.

Spreading laughter throughout the world…one chuckle at a time.

Mikie Baker