Posts Tagged ‘Handy’

The Lake Granbury Chalet


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  No Comments »

What makes a house a home? The people that live there, of course. I head to the Lake Granbury Chalet every chance I get, which is just not often enough.

 Juice and Ronny, proud owners of the Lake Granbury Chalet

Juice is a great Spadette because she remembers one of the Spadette’s cardinal rules for having your picture taken – “Chests out, ladies!”

Ronny is a terrific cook, vegetable gardener and canner. His canned hot sauce is the best I’ve ever had, because it always spices up my life. I look forward to heading to the Chalet and ruining my diet.

This is Dad

Technically, he’s Juice’s step-dad, but no matter. He’s 92 and still has a full head of hair. I wish I could figure out how to hook him up with Dearly Demented Mom. I know why he lives with Juice and Ronny instead of at a Retirement Home. He couldn’t keep up with all the women chasing him around day and night.

He makes and repairs things around the house and is sharp as a tack. Here is something very clever and creative that he made.

Dad’s Handiwork

He decided they needed a Kleenex holder outside on the Party Patio, so he took a Folger’s plastic container, cut out the bottom, added a slit in the top and spray painted the whole thing green. Notice there are no drip spots. Now that’s what I call clever. I think I shall send him a Handsome Handy Man shirt. (Merchandise available next week here on this wonderful website.)

Stormy and Buddy

They are beautiful Golden Retrievers and Stormy is a psycho retriever at that. She never quits jumping in the lake to get her toy. Then she’s nice enough to bring it straight back to you and shake her stinky wet dog body all over you. These dogs get into everything and can cause some havoc. Just ask Juice about the time they clipped her and broke her knee…

That’s Miss Kitty

I like her; she looks like Chuck. And you know I love red heads. I didn’t get a picture of the other cat, Sarge, and he’s the friendlier one. They are both strays that Juice has taken under her wing.

Okay, now that you have met the residents of the Lake Granbury Chalet, let’s see some of the amenities, shall we?

The Infamous Party Porch

It comes complete with new lawn furniture and a TGI Friday’s cocktail table and chairs. It’s covered and has a nice fan for hot summer Texas days. I have attended many a wild party on this porch.

Fancy new grill

Ronny can make this thing hum. He’s also great with a smoker, tho his is need of repair right now. It needs a new everything. But never fear, when he wants the taste of the open flame, well he turns to cooking “hunting style.”

Custom Fire Pit

I’m certain Ronny must have been a Boy Scout. Which reminds me of cooking in the ground with rocks back when I was a Girl Scout. Come to think of it, that would be fairly easy to do in the Hill Country because all we have here in the ground are rocks. Just like in my head.

The Hot Tub Room

Yes, it’s fancy at the Chalet. They have their own Hot Tub Room complete with an extra large hot tub with mucho jets, a ceiling fan and cold beer. Quite a luxury I must say. And I know someone that could certainly use a dip in the hot tub.

That’s one Dirty Dog!

Tomorrow’s the column and then on Friday we’ll see how one gardens in North Texas with the kind of dirt that dog is sitting in…excuse me, but doesn’t that look like sand?

Spreading laughter throughout the world…one chuckle at a time.

Mikie Baker