Posts Tagged ‘Handy’

How to Have a Fun Thanksgiving


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  2 Comments »

The holidays can be hectic. And sometimes family gatherings can just about do you in. Never fear! I have something sure to make your Thanksgiving dinner a memorable one.

But first, an update on me. When last we communicated, I was fine. That just went out the window. Not only did I lose my right contact lense (the one I see far away with), I also pulled my back. So I can’t see to drive and I can’t sit to write. Great. This is going to be one quickie blog.

Not smiling

Actually, this is going to be the first year in many, many years that I am not cooking a bird. No fun to cook just for yourself and it would make me miss Dearly Demented Mom too much.

So I’m heading to My Crazy Cousin’s for two Thanksgiving Dinners in a row. One on Thursday. One of Friday. Great. I’ll really be fat when I get back. Nice to have family to take me in, though.

Back to how you can have a really fun Thanksgiving. I got this silly email one time and Handsome Handy Man and I decided to try it out a couple of Thanksgivings ago. It worked well so I thought I’d share the idea with you.

All you need is a nice turkey (whatever size you’d like) and a large lemon. Try and find a really big lemon with nice bumps on either end. Cut the lemon in half. Exactly in half.

Next, gently (important) separate the skin of the turkey from the breast starting at the neck end. Take some time to do this so that you don’t rip the skin. Then simply slip your two lemon halves inside. This is what you will get.

What a lovely, female bird

Then roast it in the oven as you would normally do. Not only does the lemon juice make the breast more tender, you’ve got quite a centerpiece for your Thanksgiving meal. Present her at the table and then remove the lemon halves before slicing.

What a beauty she is!

Think how much it will freak out Aunt Edna, too…

More holiday cooking recipes and tips this week.

Spreading laughter throughout the world…one chuckle at a time.

Mikie Baker