Posts Tagged ‘flying’

Halloween Wrap Up at the DDR


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  No Comments »

It’s the end of the tour for the ghosts and goblins around here. Here’s my lovely table all ready for those fall visitors who dare to eat my food.

Scarecrows and Pumpkins

Hmm, I’m sensing a theme around here. Well, let’s just snap it up with something completely different.

A square pumpkin

I think he was the forerunner for Sponge Bob Squarepants. Always wondered how somebody ever came up with that idea anyway.

Now, as you remember, I was born on Halloween and all good witches are concerned about safety. You know flying on a broom isn’t for the faint of heart. And it’s harder to learn than riding a bike. Actually, I always wear a helmet under my hat.

Around this time of the year, it doesn’t hurt to remind people

Now I’d like to show you something really rare – a Halloween nutcracker. Oh heck, they probably make bunny ones, too, but I’ve just never seen one.

She’s a bit odd looking, I’ll admit

But she cracks a mean pecan. Well, I’m just about worn out with this spooky tour and it looks like somebody else is as well.

Smokey Robinson is done with decorating

I appreciate you going on my tour and putting up with my obsessive love of Halloween. I tried not to be a real witch about it. Enjoy your own goblins and ghouls this year and sneak a couple of pieces of Halloween candy for this dieting witch. After all, the eating season (Thanksgiving) is just around the corner. Which reminds me…

…I’m thankful for all you wonderful readers!

Enjoy your weekend.

Spreading laughter throughout the world…one chuckle at a time.

Mikie Baker