Posts Tagged ‘Boy’

The World Famous Spadettes


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  No Comments »

Welcome to the perfect gathering spot with a bunch of half-crazed women who really needed a break from reality, if only for a weekend. Sure, it looks calm now but just wait.

By the way, these were the most comfortable chairs in the joint. And as we all know, after 50, it’s all about comfort, baby. We dragged these chairs up the hill and down the hill wherever we went just to prove we still could. Card Shark Spadette suggested next year we have a Cabana Boy at our beck and call. Frankly, I think she’s right.

The Trash Talking is Starting

Frankly, I love my Spadette weekends. I don’t have to be funny at all because I’m too busy laughing at how funny the rest of them are. I did find myself having to help some of them remember words or finish their sentences. That’s what a post menopausal beer brain will do for you.

Sisterhood means this

Sharing laughs and fun on the couch while watching college football. Man do those college boys have energy or what? Anyway, sisterhood also means this.

That’s Pina Colada induced Sisterhood

They got so relaxed in the hot tub, the ladies decided to meditate.

I’m pretty sure after this moment…

…the ladies sitting on the edge were so relaxed they just fell back into the hot tub. Later they didn’t understand why I didn’t join in this “special Spadette moment” but it was completely innocent on my part. There was no more room at the inn.

Such comfortable chairs

The ladies kept going on about how comfortable these chairs were. They have some fancy name, but I don’t remember it. I tried one of the chairs and promptly fell out. Guess they’re only suited for women who are under 5′ 6″. Tall gals just don’t fit.

I don’t want you to get the idea that all we did was drink, because that’s just not true. We ate, too. Honey baked ham, sausage balls, potato salad, baked beans, salad, homemade chocolate cake and an on-going munching affair with my Original Chex Mix. We also spent the afternoon inside enjoying the pouring rain outside. It’s been months since I’ve seen it rain. Frankly, this Spadette was in heaven!

Of course, the cards came out, too

After dinner, out came the cards and the cheating began. I wasn’t playing, so I was in charge of looking at every one’s hands and making faces just to confuse them all about going nilo or not. Love that job.

While these lovely ladies were burning up the cards, the rest of us settled in for a different kind of fun.

A little Saturday Night Live fun

This week’s stars? That darling Justin Timberlake and Lady Gaga. That woman’s got more wigs than Dollie Parton.

Sooner or later, even the Spadettes run out of steam and hit the hay. Personally, I had a rather nice dream about Justin Timberlake and those skinny legs.

Tomorrow is column day and then Friday, we’ll wrap up the Infamous Spadette River Trip.

Spreading laughter throughout the world…one chuckle at a time.

Mikie Baker