Posts Tagged ‘15’

Happy New Year!


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  1 Comment »

Boy, will I be glad when this blasted year is over. It’s been a rough one. I really do better in even numbered years, anyway.  2012 sounds like a good number to me, so I expect to win the lottery, keep off the 15 pounds I lose and meet the man of my dreams. I think I’ll start the year off right by reading Great Expectations.

I’ve certainly had fun starting up this blog and I hope you’ve gotten some laughs along the way. Next year I resolve to be even funnier so you can laugh even harder. Thanks for your great comments and continued support.

Here’s hoping you have a Prosperous and Healthy New Year!

Next week we diet!

Spreading bubbles throughout the world…one sip at a time.

Mikie Baker