Archive for the ‘Dearly Demented Mom’ Category

In Lieu of Flowers


Posted by Mikie Baker  |  No Comments »

First Lieutenant Dorthy Baker

In lieu of flowers, a USO care package be sent to active service men and women.
The following information will assist you in sending an Operation USO care package.

Go to
On the main page, click on the “programs” (assisting our troops) tab
Click on “operation USO care package”
Go to the bottom of the page where it says “Help send a care package”
Click on “give now” (the cost of a package is $25)
On the form it will ask for the following information:

Rank:        1LT
Dorothy Folsom Baker
Conflict:     WWII and Korea 

Please note:
If you use the “donate now” button on the main page, your donation will be a general donation NOT specifically an “Operation Care Package”.

Next week I will be running a series of columns that I have written on Dearly Demented Mom over the past few years while I take a little time off.

Spreading laughter throughout the world…one chuckle at a time.

Mikie Baker